P.N. Krylov Herbarium of Tomsk State University is a structural subdivision of the Biological Institute of Tomsk State University (TSU), which collects, processes and stores in a systematic manner documented plant specimens and collections dried under the pressure. TSU Herbarium’s specialization profile is vascular plants (ferns, horsetails, club mosses, gymnosperms and angiosperms).
TSU Herbarium was founded on August 4 (July 23) in 1885 as the Botanical Museum of Tomsk Imperial University. According to the plan of one of the founders of the first in the Urals University V.M. Florinskiy, “whose personal responsibilities, apart from monitoring the construction, were preservation and preparation of university’s training property (collections for offices, museums and libraries)” (First … 1889, p. 63), the opening at the time Tomsk Imperial University was supposed to have a number of museums, among them – a Botanical Museum and a Botanical Garden.
Upon his recommendation, a horticulturist of the Botanical Garden of the Kazan Imperial University P.N. Krylov was invited to establish the Botanical Garden and the Botanical Museum at the University. P.N. Krylov was officially appointed the keeper of the Botanical Museum in July 1888, but he began to work on the collection of plants and develop the structure of the future plant storage upon his arrival. For the “initial purchases” museum has been given 3,800 rubles, the annual assignment for the maintenance was 400 rubles, 7973 rubles was spent on furnishing since the opening of the museum and up to 1892. The Botanical Museum and botanical cabinet occupied two rooms on the second floor of the main building of the University (Imperial …, 1892).
Even before his arrival to Tomsk, P.N. Krylov ordered high quality paper for plants mounting (so-called Alexandrian paper) and received it later, thus providing the Herbarium with paper for many years. The Herbarium got a special hand-held typography for label printing – composing stamp allowing replicating labels, which greatly facilitated and accelerated the processing of collections. Special comfortable and at the same time stylish furniture was ordered for storing collections and working with them. Alongside with this, were made special boxes.
Unlike most university herbaria, which were established based on the collections used for teaching, Tomsk State University Herbarium (originally – Botanical Museum) was founded three years before the official opening of the University and before first classes were held there. The first collection that appeared before the foundation of the museum was a botanical collection from the Polar Regions of Siberia and America collected in the expedition of N. Nordensheld on the ship “Vega”, delivered in 1882 to the Tomsk Imperial University at the suggestion of A.M. Sibiryakova and transferred to V.M. Florinskiy. After the arrival of P.N. Krylov, who brought doublets of his collections for the museum’s founding that made while working at the University of Kazan, and the herbarium materials collected along the way from Kazan to Tomsk, 31 collections were submitted from various sources since 1885 to 1888. Among them are collections from the director of Tomsk provincial gymnasium collection G.N. Potanin from Tarbagatai and Prizaysanskiy krai, collections of Sasse, Yermolayev, Tyumentseva, Tyumentsev, Tupolev, Sukhov and Egorycheva from the principal of the secondary Tomsk Alekseevskoe school, from the director of the Omsk teachers’ seminary – a collection made by students of school in Tobolsk Province; 20 collections were received from individuals (Opening …, 1888). P.N. Krylov’s appeal “From the Botanical Museum of Tomsk University” published, and distributed in 1886, in which he explained in detail the rules for collecting and drying plants, greatly encouraged many individuals to collect and send to Tomsk State University plant collections. Collections were received not only from Siberia but also from the Far East of Russia and Central Asia.
Yet, P.N. Krylov himself, who was collecting plants in the Tomsk district, made the major contribution to the collection in the first years of the museum. After funds for field research had been provided, he made a long expedition in Uryankhay land (now the Republic of Tyva) in northern Mongolia, and studied the Altai for several years.
Small collections were made during expeditions of S.I. Korzhinskiy to the Amur Region and excursions near Tomsk (most of the materials from trips of S.I. Korzhinskiy collected in Tomsk, were probably sent to St. Petersburg).
Since 1893, the Herbarium had been supplemented by extensive collections of V.V. Sapozhnikov, who became the head of the department of botany after the departure of S.I. Korzhinskii to St. Petersburg. He explored the Russian Altai, West Sayan, Seven Rivers, Western Mongolia, and Jungar Alatau.
Plants accumulated by the end of the XIX century allowed P.N. Krylov to begin fundamental work “Flora of the Altai and Tomsk province”. While making the “Flora of the Altai”, P.N. Krylov paid much attention to processing, arrangement and systematization of collections, making them available for use. He performed all of this work independently.
The period from 1908 to 1914 was characterized by increased inflows to the Herbarium collections. This was facilitated by two circumstances. Firstly, since 1908, the museum got volunteers – students of the Medical Faculty of the Tomsk University L.I. Utkin, B.K. Shishkin, V.S. Titov and others, students of the Institute of Technology V.V. Reverdatto and K.G. Tyumentsev, and since 1910 –attenders of the Siberian Higher Women’s Courses L.F. Pokrovskaya, E.V. Nikitina, A.I. Ivanitskaya and other (Sergiyevskaya, 1961).
They took part in expeditions with P.N. Krylov and V.V. Sapozhnikov and undertook their own research, which made a great contribution to the collection of the Botanical Museum. Secondly, in this period, the study of vegetation and soils of Asiatic Russia was being carried out. The Resettlement Administration organized it. Expeditions were sent to different regions of Siberia, Central Asia and the Far East to explore these areas for subsequent colonization.
P.N. Krylov and V.V. Sapozhnikov on the part of Tomsk University headed the expeditions; B.K. Shishkin, V.V. Reverdatto, L.I. Utkin, V.S. Titov, B.N. Klopotov, L.F. Pokrovskaya, V.L. Nekrasov, S.E. Kucherovskaya, V.F. Semenov and others participated in research. By 1913, the Herbarium Museum had already had 142,500 sheets and was divided into seven departments: the Altai and Tomsk province, the General department (from different countries), Semipalatinsk and Semirechye, northern Mongolia and Uryankhay land, Yenisei province, the province of Tobolsk , Eastern Siberia (Brief …, 1917), and only the first two were processed.
In 1913, P.N. Krylov, being an expert of Siberian flora, was invited to work in the Botanical Museum of the Imperial Academy (Petrograd), which began rearrangement of the collections of the Siberian sector. By this time, P.N. Krylov had almost finished editing “Flora of the Altai and Tomsk province” and left to Petrograd in March 1914. After the departure of P.N. Krylov a Head of the Department of Botany V.V. Sapozhnikov was appointed the Curator of the Botanical Museum. In 1914-1915, he had continued floristic survey of Semirechye, in 1916 he examined the newly conquered territory of Turkish Armenia.
In October 1917, P.N. Krylov returned to Tomsk. His position in the Botanical Museum was occupied; in 1918, he was admitted to the department of botany as a supernumerary full professor without content. However, in fact, after the return, of all the work in the museum had been done under his supervision.
In 1918, P.N. Krylov started reconstruction of seven initial departments, of which only the department of flora of the Altai and Tomsk province (now the Department of Western Siberia) and the General department had yet been arranged, others were only outlined. He started working on his second fundamental work “Flora of Western Siberia”, inviting his disciples B.K. Shishkin, L.P. Sergiyevskaya, L.F. Pokrovskaya-Reverdatto, and G.P. Sumnevich to participate. Completion of herbarium collections in 1919-1923 occurred mainly at the expense of the expeditions of V.V. Sapozhnikov to the Altai, the Gulf of Ob and the Tomsk region and of V.V. Reverdatto to Minusinsky county.
In 1921, the museum got the first official staffing position of assistant curator, which was taken up by L.P. Sergiyevskaya. She had worked with P.N. Krylov for the last 10 years of his life, becoming the right hand in all affairs – participated in the expeditions, analyzed and brought into proper order collections that had been accumulated since the foundation of the museum. By 1931, all of the current collections (about 200,000 herbarium sheets) became available for public use, all materials were compiled into inventory books, and herbarium sheets were counted (Gureyeva, 2008).
In 1924, after the death of V.V. Sapozhnikov P.N. Krylov was officially re-appointed the Curator of the Botanical Museum, which since then became known as the Herbarium. Since that time, due to the creation of “Flora of Western Siberia”, including greater, compared with the “Flora of the Altai and Tomsk province” territory, new expeditions to collect materials from unsurveyed areas were organized, in which, P.N. Krylov and L.P. Sergiyevskaya worked together. In 1926-1929, they toured the western region of Western Siberia, North and East Kazakhstan and annually surveyed Tomsk vicinity. The foundation of the Department of Geobotany in 1925 by one of the first P.N. Krylov’s students – V.V. Reverdatto intensified the work related to geobotanical survey of Yenisei Siberia, especially of what is now the south of Khakassia and Krasnoyaskiy krai – “Abakan and Minusinsk expeditions of Professor V.V. Reverdatto” (1926-1927). At the same time began systematic floristic survey of Transbaikalia. In the processing collections brought from expeditions, arose a need to describe new taxa of plants – species, subspecies, varieties, and in 1927 Krylov established an issue called “Systematic notes based on the Tomsk State University Herbarium materials” to publish descriptions of new species, which later became a periodical that is published nowadays. In the same year began publication of “Flora of Western Siberia”: the first volume was issued in 1927, and then further 6 volumes until 1931.
Other than from expeditions, Herbarium collections grew due to the active exchange, including with other countries. From the Herbarium report of 1928-1929 (State Archive of Tomsk Oblast): “Newly received collections of plants: from the expedition of prof. Krylov and L. Sergiyevskaya – 1500 sheets, from professor Reverdatto’s expedition – 1700 sheets, from various institutions and students – 2800 sheets. Acquired by exchange: from prof. Harold from Washington – 100 sheets, University in Brno – 100 sheets, Prof. Merrill from California – 600 sheets, Scientific research station in Palmerston (New Zealand) – 170 sheets, Central Asian State University – 175 sheets, Kiev Academy of Sciences – 120 sheets, Nizhny Novgorod University – 270 sheets, Harvard University – 200 sheets, Stockholm Museum – 100 sheets, Botanical Museum of Berlin – 1400 sheets. Sent in exchange from the doublet collection of the Herbarium: New Zealand, Palmerston – 225 sheets, The Stockholm Museum – 200 sheets, Brno University of Technology – 200 sheets, Cambridge Gray Herbarium – 200 sheets, Lyon, France – 100 sheets, British Museum of London – 100 sheets, Geneva Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden Herbarium – 200 sheets, Leningrad Botanical museum of the Academy of Sciences – 100 sheets, Kiev Botanical museum of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences – 200 sheets, Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhniy Novgorod State University Herbarium – 160 sheets. It is worth mentioning that now because of customs restrictions such exchange is impossible to establish.
By the end of the 20s, the volume of the Herbarium collections reached 200,000 sheets and in 1929, the rector complied with the request of P.N. Krylov for attachment of the adjacent corridor to the two Herbarium halls.
P.N. Krylov dreamed of transforming the Herbarium in Botanical Research Institute, based on which would be carried out research related to the study of plant resources of Siberia. In this regard, he has repeatedly appealed to the president of the Academy of Sciences V.L. Komarov. A year before his death he wrote: “Once again, it may be the last, I address to you with a request. Do you find it possible to arrange our Herbarium as branch of the Herbarium of the Academy of Sciences? I think that it is better to pass this pre-stage and then later, with the help of the Academy, go to the position of the Research Institute; likely in the future it will be more opportune time” (Sergiyevskaya, 1951). “A note on the reorganization of the Herbarium of the TSU into Botanical Research Institute” was composed (State Archive of Tomsk region), and with the same purpose, P.N. Krylov ordered from the famous architect Tomsk A.D. Kryachkov a project of special fireproof building for the Herbarium. This fact, known under L.P. Sergiyevskaya (1951) had long remained unconfirmed. Only in 2009, among the papers, photographs, and documents stored in numerous chests in the Herbarium of TSU, was found an unremarkable glued paper roll. This proved to be an outline of the facade and the internal structure of the Herbarium building made in several versions in 1924 and signed by A.D. Kryachkov. To raise money for construction P.N. Krylov offered Tomsk branch of the Russian Botanical Society to take on the publication of “Flora of Western Siberia” with the condition – the entire money received from the sale of this publicationwas to be invested in a fund for the construction and equipment of the future Tomsk University Herbarium (Protocol …, 1927). However, this P.N. Krylov’s project was not destined to be realized.
After the death of P.N. Krylov at the end of 1931, L.P. Sergiyevskaya was appointed the Curator of the Herbarium. Together with B.K. Shishkin she continued publication of “Flora of Western Siberia”, written in the rough up to 11 volumes, in 1933-1939 volumes from 7 to 10 were published. Pursuing the survey of Transbaikalia started with P.N. Krylov in 1930-1931, she made 29 expeditions from 1934 to 1968 to this area. The routes covered Transbaikalia within the Chita Region and the Buryat Republic, including the remote northern and mountainous areas of the region. As a result of expeditions to Transbaikalia the collections of Eastern Siberia increased from 3 thousand in 1932 to 37.4 thousand in 1970 (Gureyeva, 2008).
In the 30s, under the direction of V.V. Reverdatto, the prolific geobotanic survey of the vast territory of Central Siberia had been continued. Expeditions, which involved members of the department of geobotany and V.V. Reverdatto’s students, brought extensive herbarium collections from Krasnoyarsk krai, which were included to the collection of Yenisei flora. Processing these collections allowed to proceed to the creation of “Flora of the Krasnoyarsk krai”, the publication of which was triggered by the “Summary of Yenisei flora”, written by V.V. Reverdatto and L.P. Sergiyevskaya in 1937. Later the work on the “Flora” had been suspended for a long period, and the next issue was published only in 1960.
In 1941, the proper functioning of the Herbarium was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War. The main building of the university was rearranged to deploy evacuated from Zagorsk optical factory number 355, and all the Herbarium property and collections were moved to the located near the main building Scientific Library. During these years, in consort with the Tomsk Medical Institute, a work was started to find additional sources of medicinal plants under the guidance of the TSU Professor V.V. Reverdatto and professors of the Tomsk Medical Institute N.V. Vershinin and D.D. Yablokov, who were subsequently awarded for this work the Stalin Prize. L.P. Sergievskaya organized the collection of herbal raw materials and Herbarium became the headquarters for storage of the medicinal plants – under the tables, on cabinets, in the aisles there were collected dried plants. In the midst of the war (1942-1944), Sergievskaya carried out 3 special expeditions to identify stocks of medicinal raw materials in the Transbaikalia, during which as well were collected herbarium materials to complete the Herbarium collection. A.V. Polozhiy, a young employee of the Department of Systematics of Higher Plants and graduate student of V.V. Reverdatto was involved in the identification of the collected plants. She processed materials brought from expeditions, studied and described the microscopic features of plants necessary for identification of medicinal plants (Gureyeva, Revushkin, 2007).
After the end of the war in 1945, the Herbarium was moved into its original place in the main building of the university, and got 2 halls instead of the corridor, occupying 4 halls 300.6 sqm in area. Proper Herbarium functioning resumed, the efforts to share collections with many domestic and foreign botanical institutions resumed and intensified, and especially with the central botanical institutions – herbarium of the Botanical Institute of the USSR, which from 1938 to 1950 was supervised by one of the first students of P.N. Krylov and V.V. Sapozhnikov – B.K. Shishkin. L.P. Sergiyevskaya continued working towards the completion of Krylov’s “Flora of Western Siberia”. In 1949, completely rewritten 11th volume came out and won the reward of the Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFSR.
In 50-60s, L.P. Sergiyevskaya continued to work on the survey of Transbaikalia, in this period she conducted 12 expeditions to various parts of the Buryat Republic and the Chita region. All of the herbarium material collected from this territory served as a basis for writing “Flora of Transbaikalia”, which unfortunately had remained unfinished: L.P. Sergiyevskaya wrote 4 issues, 2 of which were published during her lifetime (1966 and 1969). 2 – after the death (1972). She worked in the Tomsk region with her student N.F. Vyltsan studying forage lands while collecting rich herbarium material from this territory.
A.V. Polozhiy started surveys in Yenisei Siberia, and had made a number of expeditions in Khakassia, in areas Angara and Biryusa rivers and in Evenkia. The work on the “Flora of the Krasnoyarsk krai” was resumed, 4 issues of “Flora” were published, 2 of which were authorial and written by A.V. Polozhiy (Legumes) and V.V. Reverdatto (Grasses); the rest were made up by a group of authors and published under the editorship of V.V. Reverdatto and L.P. Sergiyevskaya. Sergiyevskaya continued working on the completion of the “Flora of Western Siberia” writing and publishing 12 volumes of “Additions and changes to the “Flora of Western Siberia”, which was published in two parts in 1962 and 1964.
In 1970, after the death of L.P. Sergiyevskaya, A.V. Polozhiy was appointed the Curator of the Herbarium, who was at the time the head of the Department of Botany TSU. Under her supervision, and with the creation in 1968 of the Institute of Biology and Biophysics (NII BB) at TSU, the work on the study of plant resources of Siberia under the topic of “Flora of Siberia as a source of raw medicinal materials” was established. During the 70s, under the guidance of the head of the Laboratory of flora and vegetation resources of the Research Institute of Biology and Biophysics Y.P. Surov expeditions were organized to different areas of southern Siberia from Altai to Transbaikalia, where along with the study of vegetation resources, were gathered rich herbarium materials. The results of these studies were included in the “Atlas of areas and resources of medicinal plants” (1976) – the work of scientists from many botanical institutions of the USSR. At the same time, under the supervision of A.V. Polozhiy was continued the work on the “Flora of the Krasnoyarsk krai” as well as were published issues written earlier. A.V. Polozhiy’s postgraduates, doing their theses, brought rich materials from Tuva – from Shapshal Ridge (A.S. Revushkin) and Academician Obruchev Ridge (S.N. Vydrina).
In the 80s, the edition of “Flora of the Krasnoyarsk krai” was completed and Herbarium actively involved in the work to create the multi-volume “Flora of Siberia”. Two teams were carrying out this project – the team of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (now the Central Siberian Botanical Garden RAS) and the TSU Herbarium. Three volumes were written in the Herbarium – 5, 9, 12 and partially 14 and 2, but the collections of the Herbarium were fully used in the creation of the entire work. During these years, mainly due to the start of work on the “Flora of Siberia”, the issue arose concerning the transferal of type specimens from general collection, based on which were described new to science species. In TSU Herbarium, the work on the transferal of type specimens was carried out under the direction of A.V. Polozhiy, which resulted into the establishment of the Department of type specimens. At the same time, small auxiliary collections were established – “Rare and Endangered Plants of Tomsk Oblast”, “Rare and Endangered Plants of Siberia”, “Medicinal Plants”, “Food plants”, “Technical plants”, and a collection of seeds. Significant collections were gathered by staff and students of the Department of Botany in expeditions in the high-mountain Altai under the guidance of A.S. Revushkin, certain groups of plants were investigated, based on which the most detailed materials were collected: the genus Potentilla (V.I. Kurbatsky), the genus Poa (M.V. Olonova), ferns (I.I. Gureyeva), was startetd a study of the biology of ferns and flowering plants (I.I. Gureyeva, E.E. Timoshok). In the 80s, the Herbarium had had the largest staff in the history of its existence – up to 17 people worked in different positions.
The second half of the 80s and 90s was marked by major difficulties for the Herbarium. General deterioration of the economic situation in the country after the collapse of the Soviet Union resulted in the reduction of the amount of funds for science in general and universities in particular. The staff of the Herbarium decreased significantly, the funding of expeditions almost ceased. General deterioration of the situation coincided with a major overhaul of the main building of TSU, which stretched for a decade (1986-1996). Herbarium halls were reconstructed sequentially, starting with the south building wing of the university, and all of the Herbarium possessions were moved respectively. Cabinets and collections were moved to the corridor of the north wing of the building, to the conference room of TSU, then, following the reconstruction of the two rooms, they were moved to these rooms and the corridor of the south wing. For about 5 years, Herbarium occupied two halls and an adjacent corridor. During the long-term renovation, the main herbarium was not damaged, but the newly acquired collections for a long time were not processed and were stored in bunches. Some materials were lost due to insect damage and deterioration from moisture. It was a difficult time both for work and for maintenance of the collections; however, the work on the floristic survey of different regions of Siberia had not stopped. The expeditions were conducted under the direction of A.S. Revushkin and V.I. Kurbatskiy, they surveyed areas of Mountain Altai, Buryatia, Chita Region. In 1992, the Department of Botany established doctoral program and the Herbarium staff – I.I. Gureyeva, E.E. Timoshok and M.V. Olonova became the first doctoral students, who collected material for their doctoral work and completed the herbarium collections.
From the second half of the 90s under the new conditions of financing of science Herbarium staff engaged in the work on grants application, the funds of which were used to conduct field studies. Under the supervision of A.V. Polozhiy, resumed the work on the study of Khakassia flora and Yenisei island steppes, which resulted into extensive collected herbarium material, which considerably enlarged Yenisei Siberia department. The Department of Botany, in collaboration with British researchers carried out studies on Altai cross-border endemics, conducted long-distance expeditions, which brought extensive collections from Russian, Kazakhstan and the Mongolian Altai. In 2002, at the request of A.V. Polozhiy, I.I. Gureyeva became the Herbarium Curator but Antonina Polozhiy continued to lead the projects carried out in the Herbarium, and actively worked until her death in November 2003
Today’s P.N. Krylov Herbarium collection has more than 500,000 specimens, over 2 thousand collectors contributed to its establishment. The TSU Herbarium is among the largest Russian herbaria in terms of the collection volume and is the third in the vocational education system (Kamelin, Byalt, Egorov, 2009). The collection is divided into 13 departments: Western Siberia, Yenisei Siberia, Eastern Siberia, General, Tuva and Mongolia, Central Asia, tropical, arctic, spore-bearing plants (lichens and bryophytes), type specimens, educational, thematic collections, doublet; it is scheduled to establish department with working title “The department of new collections”. The largest are the departments of Western Siberia, Yenisei Siberia, Eastern Siberia, Central Asia and the General. In order to make it a genuine botanical center of Siberia, P.N. Krylov began collecting a library of special botanical literature almost from the very establishment. During the existence of the Herbarium, the library has been constantly updated and currently has about 35 thousand publications. The Herbarium also has a number of directories that contain background information. The most popular are floral, geographical and library catalogs.
Collections, a floral catalog and the library of Tomsk Herbarium are much in demand by working not only Tomsk botanists, but also those from other cities of Russia and abroad. Schoolchildren, students, people of different professions, or those who have come to Tomsk for service also come to the Herbarium to find out more about it. Guest book contains reviews from people who visited the Herbarium at different times.
Here are some of them:
“I have always knew that the P.N. Krylov Herbarium that bears his name is one of the most significant Herbaria in our country. What I saw exceeded my expectations. Botanical treasures are kept in perfect order, which can safely serve as a model for plant storages of our country and abroad” 26 X 1956. V. Sochava, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, director of the Institute of Geography.”
“With great pleasure, I participated in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the P.N. Krylov Herbarium of Tomsk State University. Finally able to see with my own eyes the Herbarium, which delighted many generations of botanists with wonderful organization, order, and traditions. I was glad to see how the glorious traditions of the old center of botanical research in Siberia are kept, and a high level of scientific research in this institution is being maintained. I think that this was only possible while maintaining the undying interest and love for botany in several generations of staff working in the Herbarium and all botanists of the Tomsk University. Glad to see blooming for already a century wonderful botanical center with its unique features. Personal impressions exceeded expectations. Great!” 11 X 1985. Prof. V.N. Pavlov, Moscow State University.
“With great pleasure I worked during the week in your Herbarium. Came to Tomsk for the first time. Working at the Herbaria of Moscow, Leningrad, I have never seen such order, such attention to detail. P.N. Krylov Herbarium is a truly golden fund of our science. I think that P.N. Krylov Herbarium should be the main collection in the system of world collections for the West Siberian region. “16 II 1989. O.V. Rebristaya, Senior research associate of the Botanical Institute of the USSR, Leningrad. ”
“Finally fulfilled my dream – I’m in the Herbarium of the University of Tomsk. I have long heard about its uniqueness, but I what I have seen here amazed me. A wonderful combination of modernity and the preservation of old and wonderful traditions. All items, not only herbarium collections, but also photo albums, phyto pictures and books can be considered a national treasure of Russia. The value of these resources will increase over time. 17 XI 2005. Prof. of the Department of Botany, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Biological Scieces, N.I. Shorina”.
State Archive of Tomsk region. Fund number P815, inventory list 1, act number 385.
A brief historical outline of the Tomsk State University for the first 25 years of its existence (1888-1913). Tomsk, 1917.
Opening of the Imperial Tomsk University July 22, 1888 Tomsk, 1888; The first university in Siberia. Tomsk, 1889.
Polozhii A.V. P.N. Krylov Herbarium of Tomsk University (the 100th anniversary since the foundation). Tomsk, 1986.
Sergievskaya L.P. Life and work of P.N. Krylov // Works of Tomsk state University Biology series, 1951. Vol. 116.
Sergievskaya L.P. P.N. Krylov Herbarium of V.V. Kuibyshev Tomsk state University. For the 75th anniversary since the foundation. Tomsk, 1961.
© I.I. Gureyeva