Taxonomy notes based on the materials of the P.N. Krylov Herbarium of Tomsk State University is a continued edition of the TSU Herbarium, which focuses on publishing of the protologues (original descriptions) of new species of plants, systematic (taxonomic) reviews, and new findings of rare species.
The “Taxonomy notes” were established by P.N. Krylov as a periodical of Tomsk Branch of the Russian Botanical Society in addition to the “Bulletin of the Tomsk branch of the Russian Botanical Society”. This periodical was essential due to a large number of new taxa, that had been identified as a result of processing of a significant amount of collections from the territory of Siberia collected by P.N. Krylov, V.V. Sapozhnikov, V.V. Reverdatto, L.P. Sergievskaya, G.P. Sumnevich and others. According to the rules of botanical nomenclature, the description must be effectively publicized, i.e. published in a botanical issue. The first issue of “Taxonomy notes” was released in April 1927 and contained an article by P.N. Krylov and B.K. Shishkin with description of a new species Typha L.
Originally it was a small 2–5 page issue without a cover, it used to come out with different periodicity: in 1927 – four issues were published – in April, May, June, December, 1928 – nine issues – in January, February, March – April, August, September (two issues) and November (two issues). Issues numbering began with No. 1 each year; except for the release year, also a month was indicated, but since 1929 – only the year. In the 70–90s of XX century. “Notes” had been released very sporadically, in the 70s only two issues were released (No. 85 in 1974 and No. 86 in 1979), in the 80s – one (No. 87, 1985), in 90s – three issues (No. 88 in 1990, No. 89 in 1992 and No. 90 in 1998). Since 2000, the “Notes” began to appear more regularly, every year 1–2 issues, since 2011 – 2 times a year – in June and December.
In the early years of the “Notes”, apart from vascular plants were also listed fungi and lichens. Authors, who published descriptions of new species, were mostly Botanists of the Tomsk school: P.N. Krylov , B.K. Shishkin, L.P. Sergievskaya, G.P. Sumnevich, V.V. Reverdatto, and later – A.V. Kuminova, K.A. Sobolev, A.V. Polozhiy, N.K. Bychennikova, S.V. Gudoshnikov. However, the “Notes” included papers of botanists from other botanical institutions, including central ones: S.V. Yuzepchuk, N.V. Pavlov, S.Y. Lipchitz, M.M. Ilyin, B.A. Mabuza, A.K. Skvortsov, I.Y. Koropachinsky, I.M. Krasnoborov and authors from other countries (for example, V. Rasanen from Finland). Over time, the issues became bigger; they contained not only descriptions of new taxa and taxonomic reviews. Since the 80s of the twentieth century, apart from protologues of new taxa and taxonomic reviews, the “Notes” have contained short messages on anatomical and morphological traits important in taxonomy, information about new findings of species, and the type information. The authors of the papers in “Taxonomy notes” in the past decade were mainly Tomsk University botanists – A.V. Polozhiy, A.S. Revushkin, I.I. Gureyeva, M.V. Olonova, V.I. Kurbatsky, A.I. Pyak, A.L. Ebel and others. Papers of botanists from other cities are also published – D.A. German (Barnaul), A.N. Luferov (Moscow) and co-authored by scientists from other countries – C.N. Page (UK), R.J. Soreng (US), W.–L. Chen (China).
In the early years, “Taxonomy notes” did not have the editors’ names on it, but since 1933 the last name of the editor had been indicated in the title of the publication: in the 1933–1961 the editor was Professor B.K. Shishkin – one of the first students of P.N. Krylov and V.V. Sapozhnikov, who from 1938 to 1950 was the director of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Leningrad (now Komarov V.L. BIN RAS) in 1965–1967 Professor V.V. Reverdatto had been the editor, in 1974–2002 “Notes” had been edited by A.V. Polozhiy, but the last name of the scientific editor had no longer been stated, only the technical editors were indicated, since 2003 I.I. Gureyeva has been the editor, since 2008 the last name of the scientific editor has been given in the imprint. In 2009, the “Notes” were registered in the ISSN register and received the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN index). According to the registration data, International Standard Serial Number of “Taxonomy notes based on the materials of the P.N. Krylov herbarium of Tomsk State University” is 2076–4103, a key international name is “Sistematiceskie zametki po materialam gerbaria imeni P.N. Krylov a Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universitet”, an abbreviated name is “Sist. zamet. mater. gerbar. im. P.N. Krylova Tomsk. gos. univ. “, a parallel name is “Animadversiones taxonomyae ex Herbario Kryloviano Universitatis Tomskensis”. In 2011, the Herbarium established the editorial board, which included the members of the Herbarium and the Department of Botany of TSU, in 2013 the editorial board expanded to include the taxonomists of Russian and foreign universities and research institutions. Journal design has changed starting with issue 103, now it has a cover with the information on the editorial board and an imprint.
This issue is popular among Russian and foreign botanists. In the early years of “taxonomy notes”, it used to be sent out together with “Bulletin of the Tomsk branch of the Russian Botanical Society”, the journal that used to be issued back then. Nowadays the “Notes” are sent out to more than 100 botanical institutions in 30 countries.
© I.I. Gureyeva
Visit the website of the Taxonomy notes on the materials of the P.N.Krylov herbarium. (